Terms Of Service
Please read the legal Terms of Service of Do My Math Work
This site provides examples of solutions of homework problems in mathematics and statistics.
- The solutions are to be used as models of how given types of problems are to be solved. Therefore, you must never represent our work as your own; instead, you must use our examples as guides for creating your own solutions.
- The services of this site are to be used only by individuals who are over 18 years of age.
- We hold copyrights for all the material we create and may reuse them in any manner and at any time we choose.
We try to provide tutoring sessions to anyone who requests them. However, because of scheduling constraints, we cannot guarantee that all requests for tutoring will be fulfilled. In cases where a request for tutoring cannot be met, an effort will be made to provide free resources that explain in detail the concepts that were asked to be cleared up.
When we give you a price quote for your assignment, you are under no obligation to go ahead with the purchase. If you choose to proceed, our experts will work on your assignment and tell you when it is finished. You can then pay the quoted price to our third party payment processors in order to receive the completed work. We advise you to read the third party’s Terms of Service carefully before making your payment. Your payment must be verified before you‘ll be able to download your solutions. We are not responsible for any mishap you experience from a delayed or declined payment. However, note the following exception: If our experts for any reason fail to complete your work within your specified deadline, you have the right to receive your completed work without having to pay for it.
Payments for tutoring sessions are to be made right before the session begins. The amount is based on the agreed upon duration of the session at a rate of $30 per hour, with the first 15 minutes free.
- Full refunds are given if our experts give you solutions after the review period that are discovered to be beyond a reasonable level of accuracy.
- Partial refunds are given if you request amendments to your solutions during the review period and the changes are not delivered within your review deadline.
- Pro-rated refunds are given for the time lost when a tutoring session fails to last the duration that was agreed upon for reasons outside the control of the tutee.
Email us at expert@domymathwork.com all documents that prove your case for a refund.
By policy, we reply to all incoming communication within 2 business days.
Refunds requested more than 30 days after an assignment has been completed will not be honored.
Under no circumstance should you place on our site any illegal, offensive, or copyrighted material. We reserve the right to alter or delete any of your content we deem inappropriate.
The services provided by Do My Math Work are presented on an ‘as is’ and ‘as available’ basis. Do My Math Work makes no warranties, promises, or representations of any kind, express or implied.
We regard the privacy of our users’ personal data as extremely important. Therefore, we adhere to the following policies:
- We do not store any of your financial information on our servers or attempt to access it in any way. All our payment processing is handled by Authorize.net and is protected by their many security features, including their fraud detection tools.
- We have Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), Website Firewall, and Express Security Monitoring on all our Web pages to help safeguard all your sensitive information in our system, like the details of your communications with us and the contents of the files that you upload/download using our system.
- Under no circumstance will we share any personal information about you (like your name, email address, location, etc.) to any third party, unless it is to comply with legal processes or to avert fraud or imminent harm.
- If your account is inactive for 12 consecutive months, we will delete from your account all your sensitive data, and leave only the minimum information that is required by law.